Data Model: New Client Onboarding Database

Relationships and Cardinality within the Database
Assignment Table and Sample Data
Client Project Table and Sample Data
Staff Table and Sample Data
Client Table and Sample Data

New Client Onboarding Process had many key elements that we can transfer into a database to make the information easy to update, add, and delete new data.One key element within our database is our Primary Keys. Primary keys within a database are “column or group of columns that identifies a unique row in a table”(Kroenke, 2009). Our primary keys within our database are client number, project, and staff ID. These will indicate the outcomes of the cardinality of the structure of the database for the business. Another key element would be the relationships within our database. A relationship within a database has referential integrity to re enforce data consistency. These two elements connect through the cardinality of the database. Relationships can be a one to one, one to many or many to many to describe the data. A third  key element is the tables within our database. We have client, staff, assignment, and client project tables.These tables indicate the roles of each member of the process. This can help the team to strategize possible solutions to the clients marketing problems.
Based on our interview with Mr. Garberson, our database has a client table to differentiate from client to client, the team refers to each client by the contact name and their department.  This client table is organized by a  unique identity that includes the client name/ department, their company, and other pieces of contact information. To make our database run smoothly, each client is also assigned a number to maintain cardinality between tables. The relationship formed between the client table and the assignment table is one to many, and the relationship between the client table and the client project table is one to many. This means that each client can have multiple projects.
The client project table is where the team can evaluate the client’s SWOT analysis. This table accesses the client's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This table contains information about the project for a client and the hours that they have purchased through Mr. Garberson’s company. The relationship within the client project table is connected to the client table which produces a one to many relationship. Thus, demonstrating that each individual client has one client number but there are many different clients.
Our staff table is broken down into a specific staff identification number per worker. The table specifies the job title of each worker and the day they were hired.
Our assignment table connects our database together. It does not contain a primary key because it is a connector table that does not contain any new data. It forms a one to many relationship with all of the other existing tables in our database.

Resources Page
Kroenke, D. M. (02/06/2014 2009). MIS Essential. (4th ed.). NJ: Pearson Education Inc.

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